Singular events historical
Throughout the existence of La Olmeda, three fundamental facts that constitute its history develop
The supposed origin of Olmeda is in the so-called “Despoblado de Valmores”, a place located about three kilometers from the current situation of the town. The primitive town of the Olmeda would be found in what today are the ruins of the hermitage of Valmores. The place is shrouded in a halo of mystery, since legend has it that it was cursed by a murder that would have been committed inside the church, from which its inhabitants moved to the current location of Olmeda. More information
The manor of La Olmeda and the industrial complex of Nuevo Baztán
Olmeda had its own jurisdiction for a century, but certain economic difficulties forced its neighbors to sell the municipality. The manor was passed through several hands until at the beginning of the 18th century Juan de Goyeneche acquired it. That he started an industrial complex around the palace with a program for the reindustrialization and repopulation of the region. More information
Pedro Páez, discoverer of the Sources of the Blue Nile
Pedro Páez Xaramillo estudió con los jesuitas y después de muchas calamidades en Yemen, entró en Etiopía, en donde paso 19 años. Convirtió a la religión católica a dos emperadores, y fue el asesor personal de uno de ellos, Susinios, y fue con él cuando descubrió la fuente del Nilo Azul. Más adelante cuando el emperador le permitió consultar los antiguos libros etíopes escribió el libro "Historia de Etiopía" More information