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Olmeda de las Fuentes

Interpretation center of the Alcarria Madrileña

Interpretation center of the Alcarria Madrileña

Centro-Interpretacion-Alcarria(1)The traditional economic activity of La Olmeda is based on agriculture and livestock, which is complemented by the production of honey during a very wide time of the year, this is due to the great variety and abundance of honey plants. La Alcarria has historically based its development on these tasks.

Agriculture has diversified between rainfed crops that are developed in the extensive moors where cereal is grown, and between irrigated orchards in the valleys.

In the Interpretation center of the Alcarria Madrileña the visitor can obtain a general idea of ​​the traditional agriculture that was carried out in our municipality and throughout the whole of the Alcarria.

The installation has an approximate surface of 50m² that is made up of a galley, a winnowing machine and a traditional plow, which is complemented by various information panels on "Instruments of traditional local agriculture", "Landscape and geological substrate of the Alcarria Madrileña" and "Flora and fauna".

The structure is covered with a gabled roof with arabic tile that sits on pillars and wooden beams.

The whole complex respects the municipal aesthetic standards, which have been very important to preserve the aesthetics so peculiar and characteristic of Olmeda.
