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Olmeda de las Fuentes



Alvaro Delgado was born in Madrid in 1922. Today is one of the most representative painters of Spanish Expressionism. 

He settled down to live in the town and setlled one studies in it.

He was a member of the "Escuela de Vallecas", and a member of the "Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando" since  June 16, 1974. Jinete-de-olmeda-CUADRADO-t120

"A few years ago, back in the fifties, whoever writes this on the back of a transporter of a small Lambretta driven by the painter Ricardo Macarrón. On the way to Pastrana, attracted by the  legend of Dª Ana de Mendoza. We went to We came across the splendid remains of the New Baztán Foundation. We had no idea about it and were dumbfounded. The road map that we carried indicated the point but did not speak of its importance. After a few laps we set off again down the It is a slope that leads to the valley of the river Vega and when we come out of a curve we find the view of a hamlet around a church tower projected on hills dotted with thyme and olive trees. We found it beautiful and Macarrón commented that it reminded us of the small towns of the Andalusian mountain range. We learned the name later. Upon entering the town a billboard announced it: OLMEDA DE LA CEBOLLA "

These were the words of Alvaro Delgado after his first visit to Olmeda.

He was the first painter to settle and know Olmeda, and without knowing it he would be in charge of opening the way for a series of painters and intellectuals to follow in his footsteps and settle in the municipality. He has painted landscapes of Olmeda but perhaps what has most marked his painting in the town have been its inhabitants, with whom he created his famous "Chronicle of the Olmeda", which collects "landscape"

Recognised his work to disseminate the town, the local governement of Olmeda decided to put a street in his name, in 1978.

He kept his home and studio in Olmeda until his death in January 2016.

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