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Olmeda de las Fuentes



Pedro-Paez-1564-1622 In 1544, the year in which La Olmeda gained independence from the jurisdiction of Alcalá and became a town, a character as important as unknown to La Olmeda was born in the town. Pedro Páez Xaramillo.

He studied with the Jesuits and after many calamities in Yemen, he entered Ethiopia, he where 19 years, he converted the Catholic religion to two emperors, he was the personal advisor of one of them, Susinios, and he went with him when he discovered the source of the Blue Nile.

During his stay in Yemen he learned Persian and Arabic, after he learned the Ethiopian languages: The Amharic and the Geez, the language of the sacred texts and the royal chronicles.

He wrote in Amharic two books of religion, a dictionary and a grammar.  As well translated a Portuguese catechism for children. Later, when Emperor Susinios allowed him to consult the ancient Ethiopian books, he wrote an Ethiopian History in four volumes in Portuguese.

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